Coronation Oath 1953 SINCE TIME BEGAN TRC Final Report 2015
LSBC : Legal Professions Act : Unauthorized Practice : CANLII
LSBC : Legal Professions Act : Unauthorized Practice : CANLII
"I commend to your reading, consideration and reply : Information Regarding Absolute Monarchies Paramount To Constitutional Monarchies : Turtle Island North : under my penmanship; per advisement from legal scholars with backgrounds from the UN International Law Division" - Quoted from Goodwin (SQYX) Page 2, below : Chairperson, Touchstone Committee Since 1975
The Promise
& / Or Threat By EIIR Canada, et al, To Prosecute the Undersigned Goodwin |
Shqwi'qwal Yuxwuletun
For Contempt Of
BC Supreme Court Greyell.J Order
likelihood of indefinite imprisonment
To Cease And
Desist From The Alleged Breaching Of The Legal Profession Act of British
Columbia : Namely, Allegedly Giving Legal Advice
& Decision-Making In The Absence Of Authority Arising From Treaty By
Legally Competent Parties
Dear Mister Kleisinger | Staff Lawyer | Unauthorized
Practice | Law Society BC
Attn : EIIR | Governor General Canada |
Lt Gov British Columbia | Greyell. J : Joint and Several
In this Matter
Of Alleged Breach Of Customary Laws Of Turtle Island North (North America);
including, but, not limited to alleged continued breaches of both relevant
customary laws in matters of trespass; and, further, regarding international
laws fundamental human, civil and political rights regarding breaches
arising from the historical and prevailing commission of Cultural Genocide by
the actors as listed above :
Your letter and information, as enclosed
herein, below are received.
I am instructed
to proceed as Chancellor of Laws; including, but, not limited to the Great
Turtle Island Federation (UN IGO registered 2013); and, the named Absolute
Monarchies, below; namely, to prosecute the named addressees, supra
(Kleisinger, Greyell.J, EIIR, Canada Governor General, BC Lt Governor;
principal actors / agents / officers of Canada federal and BC provincial
government) in these alleged matters of contravention of Turtle Island Absolute
Monarchies custom laws; and, those adopted international laws, conventions and
doctrines as related to Genocide; specifically, as arising through the findings
of the Canada Truth and reconciliation Final Report : Cultural Genocide. An
international CSSP Tribunal will conduct this court.
I commend to
your reading, consideration and reply : Information
Regarding Absolute Monarchies Paramount To Constitutional Monarchies : Turtle
Island North : under my penmanship; per advisement from
legal scholars with backgrounds from the UN International Law Division
As you will
note by reviewing the transcript from the BC Supreme Court Greyell.J
"trial" Case S67804 : My absolute silence and refusal to
respond to the Law Society of BC allegations was only abandoned through my one
entitled command statement to Judge Greyell, in challenging his alleged
authority to hold "court", was to instruct him to rise and depart
until invited to return - which he refused to comply with; therein, continuing
to render a "judgment" in contravention of the Canada Human Rights
and War Crimes Act; and, Canada's UN Charter undertaking regards the
Chapter VII; illicit hostile military occupancy in absence of prior UN Security
Council sanction
- This said
"trial" was convened in breach of customary and international
law standards; specifically,
- I attended under
duress - per my authority as Shqwi'qwal Yuxwuletun (SQYX) | LawSpeaker on
behalf of the Absolute Monarchies of the Consecutively Settled Sovereign
Peoples (CSSP) of the Nation States of the Inter-Governmental Organization
Turtle Island North | Great Turtle Island North, as recognized and
registered at the IGO United Nations in May 2013; and, including, the
associative additional Absolute Monarchies arising from within the 1100
continued, non-diminished CSSP
- Also, attending as
declared Absolute Monarchs of Consecutively Settled Sovereign Nation
States of Turtle Island North was (A) HRH Kathy Bickle, Snuneymuxw
(Nanaimo); (B) HRH Ernest Crocker Saylhiye, Stz'uminus (Chemainus); (C) my
mother, HRH Ruby Mary Peter Alphonse Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem, Kwa'mutsun
(Quamichan); and, additional witnesses : (D) Leo B Peter, Kwa'mutsun, son
of HRH Hwuneem; (E) RCMP officer B Ruby Sam, daughter of HRH Hwuneem; (E)
Indigenous Rights Scholar Meaghan Champion; additionally,
- Proxies of attendance
on behalf of HRH of GTIF (Great Turtle Island Federation) were filed and
held by HRH Hwuneem; who reported the issues arising from this
"trial" S67804
- SQYX Goodwin will
submit factum information to the stated international CSSP judicious
Tribunal regarding the corruption of truth in the allegations contained in
the Kleisinger / BC Law Society allegations and complaints; specifically,
as related to the matter of jurisdiction of law.
ADDENDUM : Regarding
attending to your continued communications and my responses : I would have you
note that I am the primary (POA) care-giver to two terminally ill veterans;
further, that I am the central coordinator between Veteran's Affairs, VIHA,
hospitals; families and friends; and, in the case of one veteran, I am the
central negotiator between Canada Defence Department; Wounded Warriors and this
Third Party on behalf of patents and copyrights regarding advanced green energy
solutions to Canada's infrastructure, including military deployment logistics.
While , you
-Mister Kleisinger / LSBC- may consider your complaint entitlements to be prima
facie; I do encourage you to consider that any demand of attendance by me to
respond to any complaint of contempt (of which I do contend is baseless) will
be predicated by my paramount legal obligations to these two said veterans.
It is best to
remember that BC provincial court records attest to my attendance as qualified
legal counsel; that I have never accepted legal fees for my work; and, that I
was privately mentored for 30 years by my law professor, federal QC Marvin
Stark; who highlighted his practice with aboriginal advocacies; namely, why
sign treaties ? Sign trade agreements with qualified parties like the Empire of
the Netherlands with the Haudenosaunee 400 continuous years since 1613 Two Row
Wampum. The HBC Charter became null and void in 1697; and, was originally
-within the Charles II Charter - prohibited from purchasing land titles in
foreign territories. Neither the HBC nor the 1867 "Founding fathers"
possessed any legal capacity to enter into the historical land purchase -
particularly, regarding Consecutively Settled Sovereign Peoples rights under
the Free Prior Informed Consent Conventions and Doctrines.
huy'ch'qu' /
thank you / merci / miiqwich
Ralph Charles Goodwin / SQYC / Chancellor
of Laws
cc : GTIF and associate Absolute
Monarchical Sovereign Nation States in Turtle Island North
PS: GoodwinRC / SQYX is Ambassador-at-Large per 1969 UN Convention On Special Missions provisions